
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hip! Hip! Array!

Here's an oldie, but goodie!

Your kiddos will match up a multiplication sentence with an array. It's one of the very first activities I created, so it's not very polished, but it's still pretty good practice!

Click on the pic below to download.

Show some love and leave a comment!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Can't Beat Super Heroes and Timers!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Add a timer to a station and it's MAGIC!

Throw in super heroes on top of that, and you've got a winner!

This free card game is a perfect way to sneak in some fluency practice with multiplication.
Instead of reciting the facts, students must answer an equation such as 4 x ? = 36.

Just click on the pic above to get your freebie!

Leave me a SUPER comment below and let me know what you think of the game.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Building Number Sense with Place Value ~ Freebie!

Working on building number sense with your kiddos?

This freebie on rounding numbers is a great review for a math station.
Just click on the pic below to get your freebie!

As always, show some love with a comment! First  two comments will win a free product from my TpT store!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Need a Fast and Fun Noun Freebie?

Add a timer to an activity and it's magic!

Kids love to be able to set the timer and race against the clock to complete a task. Print off these cards, add a timer, put in a literacy station and you've got a fun game the kiddos will love. Geared to first and second grades, this is fun practice on identifying nouns.

Just click on the link below to get your freebie.

Show the love by commenting how you've used timers with your kiddos!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Thanks to everyone who entered for a last-minute chance to win a TpT gift card.

Even if you did not win, if you left a comment with the product you would purchase from my store, I left you a reply of an offer to get that product for free if you send me a screen shot of proof of your purchase from my TpT store.

Be sure to go back and check to see the offer if you left a comment.

Don't forget to register for the ONE HUDRED DOLLAR GIFT CARD TO REALLY GOOD STUFF! There's still time. Please be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the Rafflecopter and click on Pitner's Potpourri!

Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)

Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 8/25/17 and is open worldwide.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Game of Plurals FREEBIE!

Are you addicted to Game of Thrones?
Love those dragons!
Love this clipart and had to use it.
Put these cards of dragon eggs around your classroom and send your kiddos on a quest to find plural nouns.

Just click on the pic below to get the freebie.

If you want to see the entire packet on my TpT store, click HERE! It includes seven fun games, plus posters and graphic organizers.

Since TpT is having a surprise sale today ONLY, you can get this for up to 25% off!
Download for Facebook - 740 × 400

Don't forget to enter to win the $100 Really Good Stuff gift card! Click HERE to register.

Monday, August 21, 2017

SURPRISE! Back to School TPT Sale PLUS TpT Gift Card Giveaway!

Who doesn't love a good sale?
Here's a little surprise sale from TpT. for TOMORROW, AUGUST 22, ONLY.
 All items in my store are up to 25% off.
I've added several new products, so click on the pic below or HERE to visit my store.

I also have a $10.00 TpT Gift card to give away. Visit and follow my TpT store, then leave a comment on this post below with the name of the product you'd most like to purchase. Giveaway ends TONIGHT at midnight, so you will get the card in time to shop tomorrow's sale! Be sure you follow my TpT store.

Use the Rafflecopter at the end of this post to enter.

I hope you find something you like!


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sentence Fragments Freebie

Here's a freebie on correcting sentence fragments for a literacy station.
Although it's part of a packet for the story, When Charlie McButton Lost Power, it's also good as a standalone activity for a literacy station.
Your kiddos will draw cards with sentence fragments and change them into simple, compound, or complex sentences. Click on the pic below to download.

If you are interested in the entire packet that's compatible with Reading Street's Third Grade Reading Series, click HERE to visit my TpT Store and purchase the entire packet.

Don't forget to enter to win a $100 Really Good Stuff gift card! Look for the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post. Be sure to choose the option to follow my blog!
Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 8/25/17 and is open worldwide.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Last Man Standing Place Value Freebie

This fun activity remains one of the favorites of my blog readers AND my kiddos.

Print, hand out the cards, and give clues based on place value, and let the fun begin! It's even better when the kids are ready to give the clues!

Don't forget to register to win a ONE. HUNDRED. DOLLAR. gift card to Really Good Stuff.
I've joined with some blogging friends to give you a chance to win!
Look for the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post. Be sure to choose the option to follow my blog!

Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 8/25/17 and is open worldwide.


Friday, August 18, 2017

$100 Really Good Stuff Gift Card Giveaway!

Really Good Stuff has some REALLY GOOD STUFF!

It's THE go-to source for me when I'm looking for organizational supplies for my classroom.
My FAVORITE purchase has got to be the tabletop magnetic whiteboard with different pockets.  I purchased several and used them for literacy and math stations, too.

Here's your chance to win a ONE. HUNDRED. DOLLAR. gift card to Really Good Stuff.
I've joined with some blogging friends to give you a chance to win!
Look for the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post. Be sure to choose the option to follow my blog!

Giveaway organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter.  Giveaway ends 8/25/17 and is open worldwide.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ms. Pitner's Classroom Tour

This year, there are two more Pitners contributing to Pitner's Potpourri! My daughter, Martha, and daughter-in-law, Aleck, are both teaching third grade.

Today, I'm going to give you a tour of my daughter's classroom. She's worked hard to get her third grade classroom ready for her new bunch of kiddos. It's been fun for me to see her use some of the same ideas I've always done,  yet with a little twist to make them her own.

My FAVORITE thing she did in her classroom has to be these labels she put on the stools at her small group table. 

She's planning on using them as quick formative assessment at the end of her lessons. The child on the CHARACTER stool will name the characters in the story or answer a character - related question. One of her co-workers helped her come up with the idea. How cool is that!!!
(See a link for the stools at the bottom of this post.)

Her small group area has easy access to all her supplies, the station rotation board, and her questioning bulletin board.
The cute window treatment was quick and easy. She just ripped strips of coordinating fabric and tied them onto twine. Because it was so easy, she also made one for her library and her hallway door. And aren't those little flower pots darling?

 Martha is experimenting with flexible seating this year. Here are some of her kiddos using flexible seating for Word Work.

Martha purchased these lap trays for the kiddos to use when working with their Chrome Books, but they've already claimed them for station work, too. That cute cart by the door is labeled with each class's name so that the kiddos know where to turn in their work. This cart is from Michael's, but I linked to a similar one from Amazon at the bottom of this post as well as to similar lap trays.

Some kiddos still prefer a table and chairs, so be sure to include those options.

 I've already shared her Writing Station cart in an earlier post. The kiddos wheel it to wherever they want to work.

Goals and objectives are front and center.

I LOVE her WOW Work Wall.

 The Word Wall is convenient to the Word Work supplies.
This board will list the expectations for use of the classroom set of Chrome Books once she and the class set them. It's always important for the students to participate in developing the expectations. Gives you much more buy-in!

I'm proud of the cozy, engaging learning space she's created for her students! Stay tuned for the "other" Mrs. Pitner's class. I'll be sharing my daughter-in-law's pics soon.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Frayer Model Freebie

I've used Frayer Models in our vocabulary journals to help students make meaning of our academic vocabulary. They're a great way to help students construct meaning of terms and concepts. Consider using one as a pre-assessment strategy, as well. Students can respond in both words and pictures. Two versions are included in this freebie.

Click on the pic below to get your freebie!

Please leave a comment below with your examples of Frayer Models in your classroom. Successful? Not so much?

Monday, August 14, 2017

Follow By Email!

Are you following my blog by email? If you aren't, go do it now! Once you sign up, you'll receive quick email updates to let you know something has changed on the blog.

PLUS, I'll be doing a giveaway soon that ONLY email followers will be eligible for.

Check out the pic below. Find the email link in the right sidebar of the blog =============>

Enter your email and hit Submit. It's that easy!

You don't want to miss out on any of the fun giveaways and freebies I've got planned, so be sure to sign up for email updates now.