
Monday, July 31, 2017

TPT $25 Gift Card Giveaway AND TpT Back to School Sale!

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Get #BTSReadyWithTpT! It's Back to School Sale time at Teachers Pay Teachers! The sale starts Tuesday, August 1, at 12:01 a.m. ET and runs through Wednesday, August 2, at 11:50 p.m. ET. You can save up to 25% off all products in my TpT store!

PLUS how would you like a $25.00 TpT gift card to spend on all those back to school goodies on your wish list?
The gift card will be given away on August 7.

Prize: $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter.
Giveaway ends 8/7/17and is open worldwide.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Super Heroic Writing Prompts for Back to School

Looking for some writing prompts for the first week of school?
Here are five days worth of prompts featuring cute super heroes from MelonHeadz. I just love her graphics. If you haven't visited her page, you should stop everything and go RIGHT NOW!

Click on the pic below to grab the prompts.

If you'd like enough prompts for the first nine weeks of school, visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE. You'll get a full color version to display on your board for the entire class to see, plus smaller black and white copies to paste into writing journals. You can also put either version on a ring in your writing station.

If you'd like the prompts, but want a different theme, leave me a comment below. I can't do a free version, but will be glad to see if I can make you one to purchase.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

-ly, -ful, -ness

If students can understand how the meaning of a word is changed by the addition of a suffix, they have the power to unlock the meanings of thousands of words!

Click on the pic below for posters on the suffixes -ly, -less, and -ful.

 Visit my Teachers Pay Teacher store!

Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE to publish the entire packet. You'll get these posters plus three games to help your kiddos practice using suffixes.

What's your favorite suffix resource or website? Leave a comment below to share!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Catching Cacti Sight Word Game

No matter the grade level, all students need to be fluent in reading the Fry sight words. If they have fluency with these basic words, they will be able to read and understand tougher passages.

Click on the pic below to get a Tic Tac Toe game and the tenth one hundred Fry word lists. You can use the game board with any flash cards you have on hand. Give students sets of two different tokens to play.

If you like this freebie, visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE to get the complete set of all word cards in both black and white and colorful versions with nine games and activities.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of the Tic Tac Toe review game.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Be Flexible with Flexible Seating

I've done some research on flexible seating and think it's an effective way to keep your student engaged by meeting a variety of needs.

My daughter is in the process of setting up her classroom with an assortment of seating for her students. Look for pics of her options in a future post.

Have you seen these?

So easy to store when not in use!

I used four cushions with a non-skid backing similar to these. The kiddos could use them on the floor, on a crate turned upside down, or even in their desk for a little extra cushion. I found mine on clearance at Target several years ago. Here's a pic of mine on the crates.

Here's a link to those cool wobble stools.

This large outdoor cushion would be great for your kiddos to drag to wherever they'd like to sit. It will even fit under a classroom table that's been lowered to be just a few feet off the floor.

There are all colors and styles of bath mats that are perfect for sitting on the floor. If you can't afford a big carpet for your room, try one of these for every student. You can find them at every price point.

Comment below with some ideas you've used for flexible seating in your class.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Back to School Scoot

Looking for a fun Back to School activity that gets your kiddos out of their seats and moving? 
Scoot activities are guaranteed to get your kiddos engaged in a fun activity while you need a little time to get all your first of the year forms and supplies checked.

Just click on the pic below to get this fun freebie! Print out the cards, place on desks, give your kiddos some paper, and let the fun begin. It's a great way to learn some interesting facts about your new group of kids.
 Back to School Scoot Freebie
Leave me a comment and let me know how you used my Back to School Scoot.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Can't Live Without!

Don't you have some tried and true items you know you can't start school without? I do!

I've always depended on heavy magnetic hooks for a myriad of uses. These are a little different than the ones I've used in the past, but you can't beat this price! Grab a pack now to hang your pocket charts on a magnetic board, keep rings of sight words handy, or keep up with all those important papers you get at the beginning of school.

These Sterlite boxes are PERFECT for storing centers. The kiddos just pick up the box and move to their choice of seating to complete their work. Here's a great deal on a pack of six.

If you don't want the six pack, click on the link below for a single.

Black Sharpies -- Can't ever have too many! 

I copy all of my station/center activities on card stock before laminating for extra durability.

Once cut out, I use these heavy duty laminating pockets with my trusty laminator.

I store the activities in cute file folders like these. I LOVE Barker Creek products!

These self-adhesive zip lock pockets are a lifesaver for keeping up with all the small parts of learning activities I use in my stations. After I've decorated the folder, I laminate it, then apply the pocket to the inside or back cover.

Please leave a comment with your "Can't Live Without" items for Back to School.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Long Time, No See!

Long time, no see! I've got some new resources to share with you, but need a couple of people to proof them for me first. Is anyone interested? Please comment below if you are.