

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This has absolutely nothing to do with school, BUT we had my niece's reveal party last night.
I'm going to be a GREAT aunt to sweet little Henleigh Jane Houck.

Megan and Casey asked the ultrasound technician to put the results in an envelope. Megan gave it to a friend and the friend made all the arrangements.  The whole family found out at the same time when the balloon popped and PINK confetti burst out.
They gave the grandmothers a box with a cheesecake inside that had Henleigh's name on it.

I'm pretty proud of that picture. I was afraid I wouldn't get a good one.

Needless to say, my mind has been anywhere but making freebies today! I'll make it up to you later this week.

Have a happy week.


  1. Congratulations for both you becoming a great aunt and that fabulous picture!! I am so glad you got to enjoy that moment with your family!!! I do wish I knew how to do this without using Anonymous. Heidi from iluvmy3kids.

  2. Heidi,
    I think if you create a Google account, you will have the option of signing in as yourself.

  3. WooHoo! Congratulations! what a fun way to find out the special news :-)

    1. It WAS fun! I am going to be the greatest great aunt there ever was!
