

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm Slide Certified!

Yes! Slide certified!

I got to visit the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta last week. Our students read from The Essential 55 every morning during our school-wide Morning Meeting held in the gym and I've read Clarks' books, but nothing prepared me for what was in store!
I'm not sure I can describe the experience.
We were met at the gate by the students of the school and escorted to the library, where we  danced through columns of students "Soullllllll Trainnnnnn style!" 

It was a day full of energy, excitement, and engagement! The faculty walks the walk and talks the talk.
I observed a fifth grade math class and was BLOWN AWAY by the kids.....and Ron! Students taught, critiqued each other, and even had their teaching critiqued by Mr. Clark (and critiqued his). I even wound up dancing on the table at the invitation of a student to celebrate their success!

The students ate lunch with us, shared their experiences, answered our questions, and even asked us questions. They definitely lived and breathed The Essential 55!
At the end of the day, each participating educator was allowed to slide down the big, blue two-story slide to become "slide-certified."
You can see it in the pic below.

My principal and I will share what we learned with our faculty, but nothing will compare to the excitement of being there live.

If you can't make the trip to Atlanta, try to read Ron's books, especially The Essential 55 and The End of Molasses Classes. (Click on the pic below  to buy the books through my Amazon affiliate.) If you'd like more info on RCA, click {HERE} to visit their webpage.

Have you been to RCA? Comment below with your experience. I'd love to hear it!


  1. How exciting!!! glad to hear you had fun :-) I have read his books too!! going to his school in Atlanta is on my bucket list :-)

  2. I had no idea you could visit the school. I have read his books as well and admire him. Not to sound cheesy, but have you seen the movie about him? It starred Matthew Perry? It was really good if you haven't seen it, but then again you did get to see him in real life so it may not compare!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  3. So cool. Our whole staff was given a copy of The End of Molasses Classes last year and we shared our "take-aways" from each chapter. I loved the book and I would LOVE to actually visit the school. It is good to hear that it really is like he says it is.. awesome!!!

    Kickin' It With Class

  4. The school and staff are AH-MAZING!!! I visited a couple of years ago! We came back pumped! They are so inspiring! If you get a chance check out my "slide certified" picture!
    The Extra Energetic Educator

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