

Monday, April 16, 2012

Suffix Houses -- Double Freebie!

Here's a "twofer" for you!
First, you get a learning station activity for students to practice determining the meaning of words with suffixes for practice on related 3rd Grade Common Core standards.

But the freebies don't stop there!

You also get a larger version of each suffix house to use in a whole group activity. Attach the larger posters to chart paper and post around the room. As students read throughout the day, they look for words with the suffixes from the station activity, write them on post-it notes, and attach them to the posters.

Click on the pic above to download one doc that contains both the station activity AND the poster activity.

Please leave a comment and let me know if you use the activities!


  1. Thanks so much for the cute freebie!

  2. Thanks for the freebie, my kiddos have struggled with suffixes. I am looking forward to using this.

  3. I've been looking for a great resource/activity on suffixes for my RtI kids. They'll love this! Thanks!

  4. I teach 2nd grade, but I still love the idea of putting up the houses and having them find words in books they are reading to add to the posters. Love! Downloaded all of your suffix games today. Thanks again for all of the wonderful freebies you post! :)

  5. Can't wait to make these posters! What a great way to extend the game to all levels:)

  6. It's so great to know I can always count on Bloggyland when I'm in need of a little help. Thank you for sharing!

  7. I just found your site by accident. So thankful! I've downloaded several things I can't wait to use. I appreciate your creativity and willingness to share!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful work!
