

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Ten Things

I'll start off by sharing the Ten Things to Know About Me that "Go Fourth with Owens" suggested.

1. I have two wonderful kids, both in college.
2. I love to read....all kinds of books.
3. My dog, Tillie, can jump high enough to look out the window and see who is at the back door.
4. I think teaching my students is the best job anyone could ever have.
5. I love the beach....all I do is read while I am there (and nap)!
6. I love going to our family's lake house more than any other place.
7. My favorite TV show is Sons of Anarchy (thanks to Karen).
8. I collect Cinderella books and cookbooks.
9. My mama's chicken and dressing is my favorite food.
10. I now teach with one of my former students.

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