

Monday, September 1, 2014

Multiplication Wizard -- Freebie!

Happy Labor Day!

It's the last day of our Fall Break. If you've followed my blog for awhile, you know that our district is out for a week while our town celebrates the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration and names the World Grand Champion on the Saturday before Labor Day.

I've had a great break...spent a little time at the beach reading, eating, and sunning...cleaned out some closets at home...spent some time with friends.

I'm trying to get back in the school-frame-of-mind, so I thought I'd make a multiplication game. This one is all based on multiplying by multiples of ten.

Click on the pic above to get your game...and please think about leaving a comment. Do you use stations in your math class? Are games a part of those stations?

(BTW...my TpT Store is all marked 20% off today!)