

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Show Some Multiplication Love! -- Freebie

It's been a peaceful, restful Saturday.
My kids are home from school…I had lunch with my Daddy and sister…and friends came over for supper and…wait for it…BROUGHT SUPPER! I didn't even have to put on big girl clothes and get out of the house to eat.

I'm trying to do a little planning and get ahead of the game. I hope the long weekend ends the way it started and I just might get a few extra things done. 

Here's a freebie in case you are planning for things to do a little on down the road.

My kiddos have always loved the card games I make, regardless of what skill they are spotlighting.
This one is a fun multiplication game you can use in a math station. I've also made multiple copies so that I have enough copies for every two students to play. It's good for those times when you have a few minutes for a quick review.
Set a timer for five minutes and watch them go.

Just click on the pic below to get the file. It's a freebie at my TpT store.

If you love the game, show some love with a comment.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's Your Chance to Crow!

What a day! It was our first day back since Christmas Break because of the cold weather. The kids were either tiiiiiiiirrrrreeeeed and slooooooooow or H.Y.P.E.R. and on the ceiling!
Every group was different today. My teaching partner and I co-taught on several activities, which helped because we had to really work to get the kids' attention. I couldn't have gotten through the day without her.
If your first day back was like ours, you deserve a treat.

Tonight's giveaway is a little different.
It's your chance to crow about someone who helps make your teaching life easier.

To win, you must leave a comment below. In your comment, tell me about some teacher in your building, your district, or in blogging-land that you can't do without. Tell me why this teacher deserves to win. If I pick your comment, not only does your compadre win, but you do, too! Each of you gets to pick two items from my store. 
You have until six o'clock central time tomorrow (Friday) to get your comment in. Please be sure to include your email address. If you are the winner, I will contact you to get the email address of your co-winner.
Here's your chance to show a teaching friend that they are appreciated!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Favorite Snow Books -- and Another First Five Wins!

Since snow is still on my mind, I'm pulling out all my snow books to use with my kiddos. Here's a list of some of my favorites and a freebie to go with them. (I've included links to Amazon so you can get more info about the books.)

Here's an oldie, but goodie. I love anything by Ezra Jack Keats

Another oldie, but goodie….
White Snow, Bright Snow, by Tresselt and Duvoisin

Snowmen at Night, by Carolyn Buehner

My kiddos are always entranced by learning about Snowflake Bentley.

They pour over the pics in Snowflakes in Photographs by Bentley himself.

I don't have this version, but the description says it includes a CD of the snowflakes. Just imagine what you could do with that!

Gail Gibbons will always have a place on my bookshelf. She is a great introduction to informational text.

Here's your freebie for both snow-themed literature and informational text. I've included the CC ELA standards for first, second, and third grades. These graphic organizers help guide your students' thinking about what they have read.

Just click on the pic above to get the file.

I'll also give away a free product from my TpT store to the first five people who follow my TpT store and comment with the name they use to follow, their email address, and the product they want me to send.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow Freebie -- AND First Five Win!

I love all things Cynthia Rylant!
The view outside my window today reminded me of her book Snow. If you don't have a copy, click on the link below to go to Amazon and buy one. You will not be disappointed. 

Rylant definitely has a way with words, so why not use them in our classroom? Today's freebie uses Rylant's Snow to help our kiddos distinguish nouns from adjectives. I posted this activity previously, but I've updated it to include the Common Core ELA Standards for second and third grade. Just click on the pic below to get your freebie.

Since I've had such a fabulous bonus snow day, I'm giving away a product of choice from my TpT store to the first five readers who follow my TpT store and leave a comment below with their email address, the name they use to follow my TpT store, and the name of the product they want.
If you won a product over the past two days, please give someone else a chance to win.
All items in my store are on sale for twenty percent off until midnight tonight, so go visit now.

Have a fabulous day!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reprieve from First Day Back! First Five Win Again!

The predicted cold weather has given my district a reprieve from our first day back. It is predicted to be down to 5 degrees tonight, so they have cancelled our inservice day for tomorrow. We will have to make it up in some fashion, but I'm thankful for the extra day! We had an early 22nd birthday celebration for my daughter. She isn't going back to UT until later this week, so I have one more day with her.
Graphics by ScrappinDoodles

Help me celebrate my free day by following my TpT store. Everything there is twenty percent off. If you become a follower or are already a follower, be one of the first five to comment below and I will send you any one product from my store that you want. Be sure to leave your email address and the name of the product in your comment.

I did the same giveaway early yesterday, so let's try it later today.
(If you won yesterday, please let someone else win today.)

Happy day off to me!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Back to School in the New Year- First Five Win!

I. Am. Just. Not. Ready.
Not ready at all.
I have loved being home for the holidays and doing all those things around my house that needed doing, but never got done because I was working.
Graphics from ScrappinDoodles

I am a homebody at heart.
I haven't done one single thing to get ready to go back to school. Guess I better work on that today!
To help you get in the back to school mood, I'm giving away any one product from my TpT Store to the first five people who follow my TpT store, comment below with the name of the product they want, and leave their email address.

I've also put everything in my store on sale for twenty percent off, so be sure to go get those items you've had on your wish list. I'll be adding new items throughout the weekend. If you are a follower of my store, you will get a notice when I add new products.

Get ready to follow and comment!